Thursday, May 27, 2010

Books I Like - Waiting For Her Isaac

I just read a wonderful book called "Waiting For Her Isaac" by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Castleberry. 
"Sixteen year-old Beth grant is quite happy with her life and has no desire for any changes.  But God has many lessons in store before she is ready for courship.  The story of Beth's spiritual journey toward godly womanhood is told along with the story of her courtship."
"Waiting For Her Isaac" encouraged me very much!!  It talked about trusting in God through all circumstances, honoring your father, and protrayed courtship in a very good light.  It didn't seem weird that their parents were totally part of it, or that they didn't talk about silly little things, but about what would happen if they did marry.  I was also encouraged to save even my thoughts - that I don't think about any boy I notice!
I would defiently suggest this for any girl highschool age and up!  You can buy it at  They have also written two other books about courtship - I hope to read them soon!!  But if you're not in that age group or are a boy, there is also...

Jeff McLean: His Courtship
(about courtship for boys)
The Farm Mystery Series
(for younger kids or read-aloud-to-the-family.  There's no murders!)

They have also wrote "Call Her Blessed", for mothers.  "The Delivery", for fathers.  "The Orchard Lane Series", for ages 5-10.  "Our Homestead story: The First Years", about the Castleberrys. 
Thank you for reading!! 
Blessings, Amber

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