Sunday, December 18, 2011

Musical Endeavors

Over the past month I have had the privilege to be able to play violin at a few events.  Even though I've been playing for over ten years it has pretty much been for just enjoyment - no high aspirations of playing in the Minnesota orchestra or anything like that!  But even for playing in front of small groups I was rather nervous, and sweaty hands are not good for playing the violin! ;)

Christmas program at our church

But over the last few performances I have been reminding myself that it really shouldn't be that big of a deal and I should be only playing for the Lord anyways (so why does it matter if anyone is watching me ;-).  So with lots of prayer I was able to play at our church program while actually REALLY ENJOYING it!  Much better than what it has been and so much more fun!

I also had the privilege of playing for the middle school boys choir (above).  This was probably my biggest audience but it went pretty smooth, except for coming in slow at the beginning..  Oh well, I believe it was a really good experience for me!

We would also like to be part of a little group that would meet every once in a while to just casually play together.  That would be good - not to big, and yet something where I can play with other people instead of always shutting myself up in my bedroom! ;-)  Now just to find someone willing to lead!

So, in concluding, I would suggest to not be afraid to play for the blessings for others!  Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!

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