Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Vacation Bible School

A couple weeks back Anna and I were privileged to help out at our church's VBS, which in years past has been so special and fun, and this year was no exception at all!  I led a small group of four and five year olds, two of them being in Cubbies (Anna and I lead Awana Cubbies) last year and will be back again this fall and one looking much forward to joining this fall!  They were so sweet, obedient, and made me very proud with their memorizing ability!  I was really blessed to be able to spend a week with their exuberance!

Two of the three in my group and I (one little boy wasn't able to come every day).

The morning was spent in Bible lesson, craft, snack, learning about missionaries, and games, and song time.  It was really neat to see video from the African church we were raising money to translate verses into their language for.  They are people that really love the Lord and are used by Him, but probably haven't been able to read much of the Bible! 

Bible Lesson

On Thursday the focus is on Jesus' death on the cross, and even though, as far as I know, no one accepted Jesus as their Saviour, I think, at least for my group, they understood well and had some things to think about.

Anna and and couple of her kids

Many friends we have met over Bible Quizzing through Teens For Christ also came to help out through the week.  It was so nice to visit with them again now that we only get to see them about twice a year.

VBS 2012 will be a special memory for a long time, and now I am really starting to look forward to AWANA Cubbies!!


1 comment:

Anna said...

You are such a wonderful natural with children -- they all love Miss Amber! I'm glad you had a great time! Great job!!!

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